Web Archive

The National Library of Ireland collects born-digital formats in a bid to capture and preserve the recorded memory of Ireland in all its forms.
The web changes rapidly, and without archiving, information about our society and culture will be lost. Web archiving is an emerging technology, which is constantly responding to new technological developments in order to capture this information.
Each year we archive hundreds of websites relating to a variety of aspects of Irish life, from education, to politics and elections, to music, sport, science and technology, the Irish language and global events. We archive these materials in the public interest and make them available for the purposes of research and private study.
The NLI’s collection of archived websites can be found at our web archive portal.
Nomination Form
The NLI welcomes suggestions from the public for websites that should be added to our ongoing collection. Please fill out the form below to submit for nomination. Please note that nomination does not guarantee inclusion in the web archive.