Home, National Library of Ireland


Lawrence Postcards Roche Collection

by Daniel Casey (National Photographic Archive / Dublin Institute of Technology Archival Internship 2014) I completed an internship as part of the annual collaborative partnership between the...

Commissioners of Irish Lights Collection

by Mike Bors (National Photographic Archive / Dublin Institute of Technology Archival Internship 2014) The National Photographic Archive (NPA) and Dublin Institute of Technology’s (DIT) annual...
Thomas Kenny Inscription (1)

Tracing Thomas Kenny

by Sam McGrath, Cataloguer, Joseph Holloway Collection While cataloguing 19th century books, you can occasionally come across a little hand-written inscription that will make you pause for a moment...
Photograph of Annie O'Farrelly (MS 47,647/1/6)

The Annie O’Farrelly Papers at the National Library

by Fiona Hughes, NLI Archival Student Annie O’Farrelly (or Áine Ní Fhaircheallaigh) is typical of many figures in Irish history and the revolutionary period.  Neither a household name nor a...

Romantic Ireland is NOT Dead and Gone

by Yvette Campbell, Cataloguer, Joseph Holloway Collection As I was working away cataloguing the NLI's wonderful Joseph Holloway Collection with its focus on the theatre scene in Ireland and...
Manuscript 18,327

The Irish in the American Civil War

by Gavin Finlay The American Civil War of 1861-65 is one of modern history’s most catastrophic conflicts. With approximately 750,000 fatalities and 400,000 wounded, it remains the deadliest war in...
Poole Studios

The Curious Case of George Tooth

by Margaret O’Brien Moran, PhD researcher I am a postgraduate researcher in the Centre for Media Research at the University of Ulster, Coleraine. Through an historical inquiry into the Poole...

We've been doing our hard sums

by Jenny Doyle,  Digitisation Programme Co-ordinator 42,430 + 12,000 = 11% For those of you with Holmesian standard detection abilities, apologies for this update, as you have probably already...