The group from its conception set out to secure works of art and other objects of historical significance for the national and public collections of Ireland, and to further their interests in other ways.
Last month, the National Library of Ireland hosted the Friends of the National Collections of Ireland (FNCI) and other special guests to celebrate the centenary of the society which was founded in 1924 by Sarah Purser, celebrated artist and activist.
On display during the evening were several objects relating to the history of the FNCI as an organisation and items in the NLI collection acquired through generous donations of the FNCI. The president of the FNCI, distinguished art historian John Turpin, addressed the gathering. This was followed by an illustrated lecture delivered by Dr Audrey Whitty, Director of the National Library of Ireland, highlighting some of the important and varied objects that have come into the care of the library through the Friends of the National Collections of Ireland.
We look forward to continued collaboration with the FNCI, as our collections grow through legal deposit, accession, bequeathments and donations. This growth is instrumental to keep abreast of our history, to chronicle and archive as life unfolds around us and the Friends of the National Collections of Ireland are a group who assists in this vital collection of material to be housed in the National Library, the library of record and Ireland’s memory keeper.

Dinner in Honour of Miss S. H. Purser R.H.A. by Council and Committee of the Friends of the National Collections of Ireland
Card designed by Jack Butler Yeats for the Cuala Press, 1938 (EPH B999)

Materials on display during the event

FNCI president and art historian John Turpin addressing the gathering

Materials relating to the history of the FNCI